Machu Picchu

Photo: John Boettiger


Osprey with Flounder
Rattlesnake Point on Christmas Bay
(East of Surfside, Texas: 2019)
Photo: John Boettiger 


Rattle snake.  April 2019 
All photos: John Boettiger

Rattlesnakes “too close to” the ranch house... 
Spring Time in the Texas Hill Country!

How Old are these bucks?

Thanks to John Boettiger for sending this photo.

Photo captured by a security camera

Thanks to Mel McKey for contributing this photo.
Mel describes it as "an amazing capture in the act."

South Texas Ranch near Benavides, Texas

Photos by John Boettiger, January, 2018.    Go to see this quality of whitetail deer is why I go hunting... this buck will be a real Trophy in the 2019-2020 season when he is 6½-7½ years of age. Now he is a prime breeder on this South Texas Ranch.  

These native Texas animals are not hunted on this South Texas ranch

Whitetail deer, Boettiger Ranch, Blanco, TX, October 2015

Photos by John Boettiger
Five-year-old "Old buck" taken with game camera
3:20 AM with infrared flash.

Buck fawn bedded after having fed at a corn/protein feeder.

A Baby Pork Chop

A baby pork chop! A cute little guy, maybe two-days old ... at this age he/she are both called "shoats" ... also, a mixed-age group of hogs is a "sounder" ...
Photos by John Boettiger, March 15, 2015.

Beware of mosquitoes!

Thanks to Donna Jablecki for sending this one!

What are these?

What are these? Send your answer to John Boettiger. Contest entries will be judged by Jerry Eppner and Tom Collins. The first correct answer will be honored in the next issue of "Chapter News."

The Fake Photo

This photo is a fake. Note:
- The sign doesn't fit the perspective of the rest of the photo.
- The text is Times Roman (real signs use sanserif fonts).
- The text is left justified (real signs center text).
- The caption is just "too perfect" for the situation.
See Snopes

Is this ambition or overconfidence?.

Posted on NWRS Facebook March 22, 2012.   Photo: Frank Miles/USFWS.

Bald Eagle

Photo by Stephanie Bradford, near Angleton Texas, January 2012.

Catch and release

Caught by hand (and released) by John Boettiger for his granddaughter Amber, during a morning duck hunt at Camp Orion, south of Danbury, TX, on Sunday, January 15, 2012.

The Deer and the Goose

BUFFALO, New York - Fri Apr 8, 2011 - (Reuters) - A deer has been standing watch for several days over a female goose nesting in a city cemetery, a scene normally reserved for a children's movie. For at least four days, the buck stood guard near the nest of a Canada goose as she sits on her eggs inside a large urn at Forest Lawn cemetery, home to the remains of President Millard Fillmore and rock icon Rick James.

"He does appear to be guarding the goose, as it were," Erie County SPCA Wildlife Administrator Joel Thomas said. "He's within touching distance of her -- there's no doubt what's going on." The deer, which he said looks like a buck that has shed its antlers, has not strayed from his post.

Rich Tillman and Bill Hunt with the day's catch of Speckled Trout

When Rich Tillman retired, the Master Gardeners give him a fishing rod and the Sea Grant folks gave him a matching reel. Rich tested the rod and reel on a recent fishing trip, and reports that they worked quite well. Here's the evidence. Rich, Bill Hunt, and Louis Peltier caught 'em at an undisclosed location believed to be somewhere near Chocolate Bayou. Lou took this photo of Rich and Bill using Rich's cell phone.

Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis)

I was working in the garage and I kept hearing something flying around. Suddenly it landed on the dryer with a loud thunk, and stayed there. It was still there after I went inside to get my camera. Maybe it picked the dryer because it was drying its wings.

Posted by Neal McLain September 24, 2009